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Random Rambling #58: Independent Movie Theaters Have More to Offer

Last week, I went to see "Blue Velvet." My favorite theater in Buffalo, North Park, has been showing David Lynch movies. This got me thinking about how important these small, local theaters are. These are the theaters that are the go-to for older movies.

The big chains, Regal and AMC, have occasional special showings, but these are usually special events run by other companies. They typically cost a lot more than a regular ticket. To be honest, they feel corporatized. It is an attempt to cash in on film nostalgia or an anniversary.

When North Park shows an older movie, 90 percent of the time, it is just because they want to. Last year, they showed "Back to the Future" and "Jurassic Park" for no other reason than that they are incredible movies (and yes, I saw them both). With these special screenings, there is usually a poster from a local artist. They are able to show David Lynch movies because they don't answer to a corporate overlord. Lynch's films have a passionate fan base and these showings give them a chance to appreciate the man. North Park makes money, and fans get to see one of their favorites on the big screen.

This past summer, when I went to see "Jurassic Park," many parents/grandparents brought their kids/grandkids to see it. I love that this movie, which, as you know, is my favorite movie, is being seen by a new generation on the big screen. It was not an anniversary or some other milestone; it was just a chance to show this masterpiece on the big screen. Every year, North Park does Ghibli Chalk Fest. For one weekend in the summer, they show a handful of Studio Ghibli movies and have people color Ghibli characters and scenes in chalk in front of the theater. I make sure to walk Rory down there the morning after just to see the art. Last summer, during the Barbenheimer phenomenon, there was a very cool poster; if you showed them your ticket to "Barbie," you got a free soda when you came to see "Oppenheimer." The big chains don't do stuff like this.

Theaters like North Park also show movies you might not see anywhere else. "Sing Sing" only played at North Park in Buffalo. I would have never seen the delightful "Thelma" without the North Park Theater. They pick what they want to show, not based on anything the theater is told, but a combination of what will make them money (they are a business after all) and something worth showing.

If you have a local theater in your city, I highly recommend checking it out and seeing what it offers (The Little in Rochester, for example). We need these types of theaters.