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Movie Review: Knock At The Cabin

I have very complicated feelings about M.Night Shyamalan. I remember when "The Sixth Sense" came out in 1999, he was hailed as the next Hitchcock. I did not see the movie until later and enjoyed it even though I had the ending spoiled. He had some hits after that, but then he wrote and directed universally hated movies, chief among them being his adaptation of "Avatar: The Last Air Bender." In the past few years, he has financed his own movies. The latest of these is "Knock At The Cabin."

A couple and their daughter are vacationing at a cabin, and three strangers appear. They tell them that the family must make a sacrifice to save the world from disaster.

It is time that we all conclude that Dave Bautista is the best wrestler-turned-actor; it is not even close. He has been in some excellent movies and has proven himself as a fantastic actor. This movie might not be great, but he was great in it. His character Lenoard is very calm and set in his conviction that the world will end. In his first scene, he walks up on Wen (Kristen Cui) as she catches grasshoppers. He is kind and gentle despite his wrestler physique. Bautista is big, tattoed, muscular, and could easily be intimidating. This character could easily have leaned into making him a tough guy. It is a role that Bautista plays to perfection. He makes this movie what it is.

The movie has a lot to say but ultimately says nothing. The first two-thirds of the movie is riveting. Is the world really going to end? Are these people crazy? I was wholly invested in how this story was going to play out. Then the last act happens, and, as with most of his movies lately, Shamalan drops the ball.


Rated R for violence and language

1hr 40min.