Matt Keeps Rambling

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Hill House Rewatch: Post-Mortum

While doing this rewatch, I had a lot of thoughts, and since I am always willing to pull back the curtain on my writing, I figured one final post on this show was in order.

This was my fourth rewatch of this phenomenal show, and I thought this would be fun and one I could easily write about. I have a ton of respect for writers who recap television shows. Some incredible writers (Myles McNutt has always been one of my favorites) write about TV, and it is a skill I wish I were better at. I did a lost rewatch years ago on, and I am not that proud of those. They were a bit of a mess, and I felt more unfocused than usual. I wanted to try again, and while I like these more, "The Haunting of Hill House" was not remotely easier.

I had so much I felt I had to get in that I took note of everything. There is so much going on in the show with two time periods, ghosts, setups, and payoffs that the notes I took are very scattered-and that's saying a lot considering my brand of neurodivergence. When I took a step back and looked at what the episode was saying about the main character, I felt my writing get stronger. I want to attempt a tv show recap again, but I will pick one that isn't so dense.

One of my biggest surprises was that I got less enjoyment from the show than before. One might assume this was because it was my fourth time watching it, but you would be wrong. It was the fact that I was watching this as a recap and taking pages and pages of notes. The big moments still hit me as they had before, but I missed the small details. One thing I never mentioned is that every episode contains "hidden ghosts." Almost every shot at Hill House has some ghost hidden in the background, and I usually pick up on one or two, but I did not see any this time because I was approaching it differently. I plan on watching this show again, and this time just as a fan, not a writer.

I hope you have enjoyed these, and I hope you have watched along. If not, I cannot express enough how incredible this show is, and I cannot recommend it enough.